Uahh finally, my tales of VS. preorder shipped out at August 5, 2009!!!! I bought it from play-asia.
I am so hyper happy :D
I hope I will receive the PSP game soon so I can play it!! ^^
click the picture if you're interested to see the shop and the detail. Maybe you want to order it too.. ^^ hehehe..
I also heard the preorder is included code to unlocked skit for Tales of Vesperia PS3.. And there's preorder code on ToV PS3 for Tales of VS.
*Anyone want to barter the code with me??*
the 35 characters:
*Tales of Phantasia - Cless Alvein, Mint Adnade, Arche Klein, Chester Barklight, Dhaos
*Tales of Destiny - Mighty Kongman, Stan Aileron, Lion Magnus, Philia Felice
*Tales of Eternia - Farah Oersted
*Tales of Destiny 2 - Nanaly Fletch, Kyle Dunamis, Harold Belserius, Barbatos Goetia
*Tales of Symphonia - Kratos Aurion, Lloyd Irving, Colette Brunel, Presea Combatir
*Tales of Rebirth - Mao, Eugene Gallardo
*Tales of Legendia - Senel Coolidge
*Tales of the Abyss - Luke Fon Fabre, Anise Tatlin, Asch, Jade Curtiss, Tear Grants
*Tales of the Tempest - Caius Qualls
*Tales of Innocence - Ruca Milda, Iria Animi
*Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - Richter Abend
*Tales of Vesperia - Yuri Lowell, Judith, Rita Mordio
*Tales of Hearts - Shing Meteoryte, Kohak Hearts
Here is my opinion about pre-play game~
Where's Guy Cecil?? T__T he is my most favorite from ToA. Also I want Flynn. They can make double twin brother pair!!!
Where's Shiina, Zelos & Genis?? uhh... XD *dissapointed*
Where's Reid?? Uhh.. It's okay because he appear on tales of wallbreaker..
Whoaa.. A nurse appear here!! Mint!! I never play ToP before. I hope her performance is good!! you have my sympathy Mint-san.. I wonder why a lot of people hate you T__T
then poor Anise!! I think she is cute & sweet. But many people hate her.. you have my sympathy Anise-chan ^_^
Yay!! Lion!! I hope there's Judas costume for him!! :D
Eugene?? what?? A creature?? he is a member of this animal-esque race.. an unique character,
Barbatos & Dhaos the Villain!! I think they're interesting enough.. but I hate Villain T__T
Yggdrasil mode? but where's Yggdrasil??
Jade & Rita!!!! Indignation!!!!!!! *whoaa indignation pair!!!!*
Luke & Asch.. so interesting.. the original & the replica.. I will try them as a pair!! :D
Tear!! Get ready for Melon? huh?? ^^; squeee.. she is cuteeee~
Presea & Philia kawaiiii!!!!!
Whoaa.. Stan & Kyle.. Father & son!! Interesting pair!!!!
ahh Kratos & Lloyd too :D
I hope more characters can be unlock or please namco give me a lot of surprise on the game
ehehehe... ^^ Love it!! Can't wait it!!
thanks for reading.
x-posted to: my LJ.
Mint is a good character, just her AI sucks. Plus I like Anise she is good comic relief compared to the depressing Luke. Glad to see Jade is in this game though, he's probably my favorite character.
I'm glad your so excited for the game and all but aren't Japanese. What's with the "Chan, San, and Kawaii"? You think the Japanese are excited about saying those words? No they aren't because it's equivelant to saying "Little girl, Random guy, and cute"
That ain't fun.
I like you. Don't be a weeaboo.
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